Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Flight

The Flight. A new album from juncmodule ...maybe?

Let me start by saying this might not work out.

Tomorrow morning, at 6AM, I leave on a flight to Portland, Oregon. During the flight I am going to attempt to record as many songs as possible and upload them to my SoundCloud account under the play list "The Flight". I already did a test track, "Pre Flight Jitters", to make sure I have a workflow that will allow me to upload from my phone over 3G.

Any number of things can go wrong of course. So, no promises.

I will be using a Gameboy DMG-01 with Nanoloop. I will record songs created on the Gameboy directly into Ableton Live, where I will do some clean up. Then I will export them via iTunes to FL Studio Mobile. From there I will upload them to SoundCloud over 3G if I can. Everything I upload will be composed either at the airport or in the air. I shouldn't have any issues with composition. So, worst case scenario, I might have to upload everything after I arrive. However, the fun and challenge for me is to actually be uploading them as I finish them and basically have a short album completed and available by the time I land in Portland. I should note that I have a small cheat in the form of a 2 hour layover in Chicago, so that should be a good chunk of composition time. This will essentially be me slamming through as many tracks as possible. So, if you are expecting amazing compositions or something...well, you have probably never listened to my music in that case anyway. If this works out I will repeat the process on the return flight (another layover in New Jersey!)

You can listen to my other music for free on Spotify. (WARNING: Spotify artist links automatically start playing music, sorry.)

If you like what you hear, my music is available for sale through Amazon and iTunes.

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